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Lane End

Primary School

‘Learn and Believe, Aspire and Achieve’

All About Me!

We have been talking about ourselves and our families. We have looked carefully at our own faces and thought about our different facial features. We had lots of hun singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes and making our very own faces!!!

Autumn is here!! We have explored the seasons changing and all of the wonder that Autumn brings. We went on a leaf hunt and collected our own leaves; we enjoyed exploring the different colours, shapes and sizes of the leaves. We have explored the different colours of Autumn; printed using leaves; explored pumpkins and squash and learnt about animals that live in the woods! We have loved the following stories linked to Autumn: Owl Babies, We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt and Little Acorn.

Storytime for kids read aloud - Owl Babies by Martin Waddell

Today's storytime is Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson. Kids will love listening to this heart warming story read aloud with pictures. After the story there is a comprehension question and phonics practise to help with reading and spelling.
