Maple Class Year 3B
Welcome to the Maples!
Do we look like we're ready for the Year 3 learning journey?
Important Updates
Your child needs their own named water bottle every day (water only).
Please come to school wearing your PE kit on Fridays.
Any questions please contact me on our year email :)
Class Gallery
Here are a selection of photographs showing you what we have been learning about this term. Have a look at the other parts of our page too, especially our recent topic page to see what else we have been up to.
Black History Month
As part of Black History month, Maple class celebrated black culture and learnt about the achievements of Floella Benjamin, as well her experiences with the fight against racism. We were inspired by her quote to...
"Fight with your brain, not your fists" - Floella Benjamin
We discussed the importance of if someone is ever unkind and use racist comments, to not give them any time in our lives and to use our brains to show the world who we are as individuals and what we can do. As part of celebrating this, we completed readings of different cultural books as a class and we completed our corridor display to remind us of the important message that Floella has shared with our school community.
Lane End Challenges
Here at Lane End, as we ‘learn and believe, aspire and achieve’, we are faced with many new experiences and challenges.
Some of these arrive as special ‘Lane End Challenges’!
Some challenges will help us to be important parts of wider teams and communities.
Some challenges will let us learn about and try new things we might never have done before – and sometimes we will have to be brave to try!
Some challenges will help us to develop new skills that we will need in everyday life.
Some challenges will make us think about our futures, and help us to develop our own hopes, goals and aspirations.
Many challenges will make us use our voices – so that we can share our ideas, and communicate what we know and think.
Look at the links below to find out what we have been up to and what we have successfully completed so far this year.