What wonders lurk under the deep blue sea?
Future Olympian Gymnasts in training. Check out our moves!
Learning about algorithms
This half term we will be using the programming app 'Daisy Dino'. To begin our Computing learning, we had a programming unplugged session, where we wrote and tested 3 step algorithms with our partner. Then we used a QR code to load up a fun programming game. We soon learnt how our algorithms have to be precise and tried hard to change (debug) our coding blocks if our algorithm didn't work.
You can play the game by clicking on this link:
We are Geographers!
Before we begun our 'Under the Sea' learning, we stayed on land with a mini-topic about UK and Non-European seaside towns. Using aerial photographs, Google Earth, books and websites, we have learnt what the typical features of a seaside town are, learnt lots of new vocabulary, and even mapped out our own coastlines including a key. To develop our map skills further, we explored using compasses in the playground.