Letters Home
Here are some of the letters we send home. These are not all the letters or messages that get sent home, so please do check your child's book bag each day or week too.
- COVID and the Christmas break Dec 2020
- Milk letter 2020.docx
- Student. Staff Absence during Covid.pdf
- symptoms of coronavirus..docx
- 23rd September - PHE letter to parents and guardians.pdf
- Coronavirus. 2.3.20.pdf
- Life Saver letter.(credit union saving plan)
- Elland Road Park & Ride.pdf
- Are you entitled to free school meals?
- Accessing Education City
- Playground Safety - Supervision before and after school
- Medicines to be given at school request form
- In Year Common Preference Form
- General consent and permission form
- Change of contact details
- Starter Information Sheet