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Lane End

Primary School

‘Learn and Believe, Aspire and Achieve’

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

This area of our website has information about how we support our children who have special educational needs and disabilities. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Lead teacher is Mrs Rowley. If you need to contact her for any reason, please ring the school or send a message to the school in the first instance -


As a school we strive to meet the needs of our pupils by ensuring they have access to all aspects of school life. We are inclusive of all needs and support our children to reach their full potential. 


Please read our SEND Information Report to find out how we support children with special educational needs and what  you can do, as parents, if you need support from school or outside agencies. 


SEND Information Report 2024

SEND Annual Report to Governors 2023

Accessibility Plan 2024

Leeds Local Offer for children with Special Educational Needs

The Leeds Local Offer is a resource for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) aged 0 to 25 and their families. It is also a resource to help practitioners understand the range of services and provision in Leeds, and nationally available sources of information.


Please click on the following links to find out more about how Leeds City Council can support you and your child.

Leeds Parent Carer Forum for SEND


This video will tell you more about our service and our service offer for parents and carers of children with Special, Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


Our most current accessibility audit was completed this Autumn by Andy Byrne - a school Governor with responsibility for Health and Safety. If you would like to see a copy, please contact the main school office.
