Cherry Class Year 4B
Welcome to Cherry Class
We have lots of exciting learning, trips and experiences in the year ahead and we look forward to sharing these with you on our class page.
Your child needs to bring their own named water bottle to school every day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to a member of staff in Cherry, contact the office or speak to a member of staff on the gates who will be happy to help.
Lane End Vote 2024
The children voted on what they would like to happen at school on Friday July 5th. Their options were:
- Non school uniform day
- Extra 15 minutes of playtime
- Treat instead of healthy snack
- Juice instead of water during lunch
The results are in and the majority of children at Lane End Primary voted for a non school uniform day!
P.E. days are now on Thursday.
PE Kit Reminder
Dear Parents/Carers
Please make sure your child wears a plain school PE kit on PE days.
No logos, bright colours or team strips please.
Our PE days are THURSDAYS!
Parent Information
At Lane End, Reading will be the main expectation of work to be completed at home. Being a good reader is the key to making great progress in all areas of learning.
Please click below to learn more.
To learn more about how to support your child with their Maths learning please click below.
Other Learning opportunities at home
If you wish to support your child's learning in other ways too, you will have information about the areas of learning your child will be focusing on in class, explained in the curriculum newsletters that come home every half term.
These can also be found on the class page, under each topic heading icon. For example, you could work with your child to find out more about the history, geography or science topics that they are learning about.
Also your child’s teacher might on occasion set extra challenges for you to try at home such as spelling tests or something to research at home linked to the current learning topic.