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Lane End

Primary School

‘Learn and Believe, Aspire and Achieve’


The Aims of our Lane End Curriculum


Here at Lane End Primary School, we strive to build and provide a curriculum that will enable our young people to leave us both well prepared and confident for the next stage of their educational journey and lives.


Our ambition is that through all we do, including curriculum provision, we continually enable all our children to 'Learn, Believe, Aspire and Achieve'.   


With this at the heart of all we do, we have designed and organised our curriculum around the needs of our unique learners.


We know that children are entitled to a broad and balanced education, and we aim to provide curriculum provision that is just right for all groups of our learners. From all starting points, we want our children to be confident and competent writers, readers and mathematicians as we know these core skills will be the foundation for all their wider learning.


We want them to be inspired by art and music, become digital whizz kids, dare to be designers, be knowledgeable geographers and historians, become confident linguists, aspire to be sporting superstars, be skilful scientists and be understanding of others faiths, beliefs and cultures.


We also believe that every child should be equipped with a depth of language and breadth of vocabulary that will enable them to articulate their knowledge, skills and understanding, and be confident and effective communicators.


We want curriculum provision to be both balanced and meaningful. We will give the children opportunities to make links between all areas of learning; to see the purpose of the skills and knowledge they are acquiring, and give them opportunities to further explore and apply these competencies.


We seek to develop opportunities for pupils to become independent, be resilient, have a growth mindset, and be curious about the world they live in so that they will all become happy, successful and lifelong learners.


We want them to see that the maths skills they are developing are essential in many areas of learning and life - for instance to estimate and measure accurately in design technology or to record and interpret results in Science. We want them to be enthused and excited by the knowledge they have learnt in Art, or History, to write about this understanding, to present and articulate their opinions and thoughts. We want them to be immersed in the texts they read, to write as the characters in shared books, and to aspire to become authors themselves. We want them to utilise computing technology to explore the possibilities of the modern world - to develop their understanding, and to share their skills. 


Our curriculum provides a progressive development of knowledge and skills, and aims to build on the prior knowledge and learning of the children at our school. We feel that our curriculum model then promotes a depth of learning - that we ensure we 'teach, practice, repeat' so that our children feel increasingly confident, competent and fluent in their understanding. We feel this approach ensures that all our learners acquire the necessary skills, concepts, knowledge and understanding they need to make excellent progress within school and in the wider world.


For learning in English and Mathematics, we have built and developed curriculum progression maps that exemplify the expectations we have for our pupils in each year group. We feel they are aspirational overviews of the reading, writing and mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding we will support our children to develop and build during their time with us. You can find more information about the detail of these under the subject specific icons below.


In the Class Pages of the website, for each topic or theme area, there will also be a half termly curriculum overview information sheet for parents that will give you some details as to what your child will be learning about in these core areas at that point in the year.


You will also see how we  have translated this ambition and drive into the full breadth of subject specific aims, if you follow the curriculum links below. These are the progression of skills, knowledge and understanding that we want the children to acquire during their time at Lane End Primary.


We also believe that for our children to truly 'Learn, Believe, Aspire and Achieve' to the best of their potential, building and developing a set of essential attitudes and characteristics - for both learning and social contexts - is a key component. We call these our Lane End Super Learning Powers. Find out more about this, and our Super Learning Heroes on the website area dedicated to this core element of the Lane End Curriculum.


As we aim to have a holistic approach to learning here at Lane End Primary so that our pupils have a richness of provision - we do this through our curriculum frameworks, behaviour expectations as well as giving the children a wide and broad range of everyday experiences.


Lane End Challenges


To ensure we can deliver on this aspiration, we have devised a programme of 'Lane End Challenges' that will further enrich and enhance the provision and experiences they children will enjoy at our school. We hope that they will:


Promote self esteem and belief, build confidence and aspiration,
Ensure that they respect themselves  and others, and assume a sense of supportive responsibility for their communities,
Help to develop their own dreams and ambitions


There are a number of key threads that run through the Lane End Challenges  - things we believe are important to promote for our children:


That our pupils believe and experience that they are an important, thoughtful and impactful part of wider teams and communities
To feel they have a voice’  - that they have something important to say, to communicate, and feel they have the skills to do this
That they are encouraged to aspire to do their best, have dreams and ambitions
That they feel equipped for everyday life – learning practical life skills, and about the world around them
That they are brave enough to try new things, are aware of the wide richness of life’s experiences on offer to them, and achieve their goals


You can find our more about the year group Lane End Challenges on the class pages.



Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) Information for Parents


Below is some information about the curriculum and provision your child will experience as they start their educational journey in school. Please look on the class pages for much more information too.
