Children get the best possible start in life when they attend school on time every day. Children who miss school frequently are more likely to fall behind.
All pupils at Lane End Primary School are expected to have 100% attendance.
We believe that good attendance will help to secure your child’s future by enabling them to achieve the best they can.
Lane End Primary School and Leeds City Council Targeted Services (JESS) are committed to helping you support your child’s attendance.
School expectations:
• Children are expected to attend school every day on time. The school day for Reception to Year 6 pupils starts at 8.50am. At this time all children are expected to be in their classroom.
• The school closes in the afternoon at 3.15pm. Parents are expected to be there
to collect their children promptly. If children are not collected at the
correct time, then school will consider placing them in After School Club and
parents will be charged.
How to achieve good attendance
Of the 365 days in each year 190 are school days (52%) which leaves 175 (42%) non-school days to spend with family, have visits, take holidays and attend appointments. Children will often say that they feel unwell on a morning, but once they are in school with their friends, concentrating on their learning, they usually forget all about it; for those who don’t and continue to feel unwell we will always phone parents/carers.
How do we keep you informed about attendance?
You are informed about your child’s current level of attendance at every Parent Consultation Evening and it is referenced in your child’s end of year report.
Every half term parents receive a letter which outlines the attendance level and what this may mean. If your child has a level of attendance which is causing a concern and is not improving, you will receive a phone call or be asked to come for a meeting so that we can work together to improve your child’s attendance.
Leave of absence and holiday requests
We do not condone leave of absence during term time. However, we understand that there may be times when families need to request time off school for their children. We will forward any unauthorized requests for children to be taken out of school in term time to Leeds City Council. They may then decide to issue a penalty notice.