Here are some of the main school policies that may be of interest of you. If there is anything else you may like further information about, please don't hesitate to ask.
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
General School Policies
- Administration of medication and children with medical needs
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Child Friendly Anti Bullying Policy
- Care and Control Policy
- Loss and Bereavement Policy
- Restorative Practice Policy
- School Meals Arrears Policy
- Snow and Bad Weather Policy
- Uncollected Children Policy.pdf
- KS2 Child Friendly RSE Policy
- KS1 Child Friendly RSE Policy
- Inclusion and SEND Policy SEPT 2023.pdf
- Unacceptable conduct of visitors policy 23.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy Nov 23
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Equality and Diversity Statement June 2023
- Privacy Notice - Pupil
- Relationships and Health Policy