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Lane End

Primary School

‘Learn and Believe, Aspire and Achieve’

Olive - Lane End's very own school dog!

During 2019 the School Council decided we needed a school pet, after much discussion and research it was decided a dog would be most suitable.  Without the children knowing Mrs Warren set about finding a suitable breed and puppy. We wanted a dog that would be; just the right size, not too hairy, easy to train and good with children.

Meet Olive...

Olive is a minature Labradoodle, she is now 5 years old. She still loves footballs and walks in the woods.


She lives at home with Mrs Warren and her family who did lots of puppy training.  Olive had lessons with a dog trainer, and she is proved to be a very clever puppy.  Olive did well with basic things such as sit, lie down, staying calm when she gets her dinner or meets new people and walking on a lead (There are always lots of treats or toys involved) 


In November 2019 Olive attended Puppy University where Mrs Warren and Olive learned even more positive behaviours.


Olive visits school 1 or 2 days a week. As school can be a busy and noisy environment Olive stays in the SLT office away from the classrooms with a bed under Mrs Warren's desk where she can curl up to sleep. 

Children in Year 4 can choose to visit Olive when they have completed lots of home reading. 


In the past Olive has visited Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes to support children learning about animals, the vets and living things.



Olive's Adventures...

A visit with Reception

Visiting Year 1

Year 1 children wrote letters to Mrs Warren requesting a visit form Olive. 

Olive practised lying quietly while the children asked questions and told Mrs Warren what they had found out about caring for a dog.  We also learned how to gently stroke Olive on the back.

The year 1 children did an amazing job of being calm around Olive even though they were very excited!
