We will explore different celebrations throughout the year that are important to our friends and family. We are starting with exploring Diwali which is on the 4th November this year and Bonfire Night which will be on the 5th November.
We have explored the story of Rama and Sita with the children, introducing the story as the reason why Hindus celebrate Diwali. We have been making rangoli patterns and diva lamps, talking about how Hindus celebrate and why they participate.
Bonfire Night
We have explored Bonfire Night going into brief detail about why it occurs every year. We have discussed Bonfire Night safety surrounding fireworks, describing what different fireworks sound and look like, and using our knowledge of the phonemes we've been taught to write words like pop, ssss, and crack.
We were very excited to see Christmas arrive in Beech and have spent time over the last few weeks learning about traditions in the UK and other countries, what we do to celebrate Christmas, and take part in lots of Christmas events like seeing a panto, decorating a tree, learning about the Nativity and putting on our own production of the Nativity story. We love to use celebrations as a way of exploring our own differences and similarities with other children, learning about different religions and cultures, and different ways to celebrate a particular event.