Who first lived in Britain?
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- Rowan Class Year 3A
- Who first lived in Britain?
Skelton Grange - Stone Age Experience
When we first arrived at Skelton Grange we played a 'true or false' game based on facts about the Stone Age to figure out what information we already knew. Then we split in to two groups. Mr Fletcher's group made shelters and cooked food on the fire, whilst Miss Bainbridge's group went on a hunt. After lunch we swapped groups so everyone got to experience all activities. The activities included scaling and cooking fish and bread on an open flamed fire, just like how they would have cooked in the Stone Age! We collected large logs and made shelters to keep us dry and warm and learnt about how shelters in the Stone Age were made out of wood. In the Stone Age the people would have to hunt animals and kill them. We pretended to hunt animals and we had to be really quiet whilst making our way through an musical obstacle course. If we moved too fast and touched the musical instruments we would have alerted the animals and scared them, so if we made a noise we got squirted with a water pistol! Mr Fletcher really enjoyed being in charge of the water pistol! Then we went on a hunt and threw our 'spears' at the animals. Miss Bainbridge's group caught 2 boars, 2 hares and 3 mammoths! Yum what a feast!
Pictures below