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Lane End

Primary School

‘Learn and Believe, Aspire and Achieve’

How does your garden grow?

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week for this half term!

World Book Day!

In our writing lesson, we made a list of what we would need to plant a seed!

For our first Science lesson, we went on a plant hunt and explored the school to see what we could find!

In Maths we are learning to add and subtract numbers within 20.

In Food Technology, we worked together to sort healthy and unhealthy foods into a Venn diagram.

We all planted a seed to help us write instructions on how to plant a seed!

In our multi skills lesson, we learned how to control and travel with a football!

We have been working hard to 'grow the code' in phonics.

Learning some tennis skills today!

Here are some of our observational drawings of plants!

Maths in action! Exploring place value within 50.

In PSHE, we made a visual timetable to help Gerald the Giraffe to get ready independently before school!

Finding the features of a letter in our writing lesson.

R.E - the Easter story

Red Nose Day Fun

We have been working hard to understand place value (tens and ones)

We enjoyed exploring the different types of trees around school and finding out whether they are deciduous or evergreen.
